Within the last five years, SCG has acknowledged buyers’ desire for their homes to be a place of both work and leisure. The recent quarantine only amplifies this trend as people are spending more time at home than ever before. With an eye for consumer trends, SCG started consulting the additions of home theatres and offices prior to the quarantine. “Steele says his team anticipated increased buyer-demand for immersive-experience theatres in the properties they develop”. Hasani believes the craze for home theatres will only increase as subscriptions to blockbuster-streaming services increase during the pandemic. As we adapt to the possibilities of more working from home, the demand for a dedicated and functional workspace increases. “Clients are scrutinizing [their] use of space more than they have in the past,” says Hasani. With decades of experience, SCG is committed to intelligently engineering homes with an emphasis on capturing the ever-changing preferences of today’s buyers.

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